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Vilji menn ögn vandaðri skýringar á textaformi fyrir útlendinga má benda á þessa grein úr Financial Times sem útskýrir málið á frekar hlutlausan og greinargóðan hátt:

Wednesday April 13 2011

Icelanders face down the bullies

Vote shows that citizens can be put ahead of banks


When the Icelandic people faced a second referendum on the Icesave affair, they could have been forgiven for deciding that they had had a good fight but it was time to throw in the towel. Instead, three-fifths of voters faced down UK and Dutch bullying, denying that taxpayers must bail out failed private banks unless a court rules that they are legally obliged to do so.

The Icelandic people’s admirable insistence on this principle may cost them dearly – or not, depending on what a court decides. But they prove that other governments are wrong to say there is no alternative to paying for banks’ losses.

Landsbanki’s bankruptcy in 2008 made it clear that Iceland’s deposit insurance scheme was unfit to deal with the collapse of one, let alone of all three of the country’s main banks. The Netherlands and the UK covered their citizens’ deposits in Landsbanki’s Icesave accounts, receiving claims on Landsbanki’s estate in return. Icelandic insolvency law, unlike most of Europe, ranks depositors above other creditors. So these are priority claims on assets worth an estimated 90 per cent of the lost deposits, which amount to some €4bn – more than a third of Iceland’s annual output.

The dispute centres on who is responsible for the shortfall, interest costs and the tail risk of assets fetching a lower price. London and The Hague insist these are Icelandic sovereign liabilities. Reykjavik disagrees but its politicians pragmatically agreed two settlements – both of which Icelanders rejected.

The dispute is now headed for the European Free Trade Association court. Iceland has a good case: European law tells states to introduce properly resourced deposit guarantee schemes but explicitly rules out sovereign liability. While the Icelandic scheme did not have resources for the kind of crisis that ensued, nor does any other country’s. Claiming that UK or Dutch taxpayers would pay a third of annual income for foreign deposits in equivalent bank insolvencies is either hypocritical or delusional.

The vote is unlikely to upset an International Monetary Fund programme or bilateral loans. But it may tempt the Dutch and British to stall Iceland’s European Union membership bid. It would be a tragic mistake to punish a country for claiming its right to resolve a legal dispute in a court of law – or demonstrating that it is possible to let overstretched banks fail.

At the time of the collapse, people said Iceland and Ireland differed only by one letter and a few weeks. Their views on picking up the bill for banks show the difference is more instructive than that. Þrákelkni Bjarts í Sumarhúsum
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1 Smámynd: Jóna Kolbrún Garðarsdóttir

Myndbandið er mjög lýsandi

Jóna Kolbrún Garðarsdóttir, 15.4.2011 kl. 00:06

2 identicon

Ef við stiklum á stóru, yfir það sem myndbandið segir...

Til forna voru forfeður Íslendinga Víkingar, sem gengu um og rændu og rupluðu forfeður breta og hollendinga.  Ekki voru forfeður hollendinga og breta hrifnir af því.

Síðan komu fleiri Íslendingar með loforð um 5% ávöxtun fés, og Bretar og Hollendingar buðu fé sitt til ávöxtunar.

Síðan kom hrunið, og Íslendingar urðu illa fyrir því.  Sem þýddi að hollendingar töpuðu öllu fé sínu.  Íslendingar kusu síðan um, og völdu að greiða ekki ... 

Eða ... en styttra, Íslendingar eru ræningjar og ruplarar eins og forfeður þeirra.

Bjarne Örn Hansen (IP-tala skráð) 15.4.2011 kl. 18:03

3 Smámynd: Guðmundur Ásgeirsson

Já í mikilli einföldun er þetta það sem myndbandið segir. Þess vegna vildi ég ekki birta þetta nema láta fylgja með eitthvað sem byggði á upplýstari viðhorfum en að kenna heila þjóð við fámenna ræningjaflokka.

Guðmundur Ásgeirsson, 15.4.2011 kl. 20:34

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