Er Obama að senda eldflaugar til Kína?

George Ure á setti fram athyglisverða kenningu í dag:

Missiles to China to Save US Economy?

To be sure the evidence here is circumstantial, but the facts are quickly falling into place:


President Obama has issued the power and authority of his office to Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, an (American of Chinese descent) and two term Washington State governor - who is now in China.


Specifically, the delegation of powers reads:


"Presidential Determination No. 2009–31 of September 29, 2009 Presidential


Determination On the Delegation of Certifications Under Section 1512 of Public Law 105–261 Memorandum for the Secretary of Commerce


By virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of Title 3, United States Code, I hereby delegate to you the functions of the President under section 1512 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999 (NDAA). In the performance of your responsibility under this memorandum, you shall consult, as appropriate, the heads of other executive departments and agencies. You are authorized and directed to publish this determination in the Federal Register.

And what exactly does this Section 1512 authorize?


Sec. 1512. Certification of exports of missile equipment or technology to China.

SEC. 1512.


The President shall certify to the Congress at least 15 days in advance of any export to the People’s Republic of China of missile equipment or technology (as defined in section 74 of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2797c)) that— (1) such export is not detrimental to the United States space launch industry; and (2) the missile equipment or technology, including any indirect technical benefit that could be derived from such export, will not measurably improve the missile or space launch capabilities of the People’s Republic of China.

So, that's why our Commerce Secretary is in China this week, maybe?  I mean besides to give a speech to the students at Jinan University in Guangzhou, of course...


Wait till the MSM wakes up on this.  So is the reason for the dollar turnaround that the Chinese are getting a little quid pro quo not to bankrupt the USDA ...just yet?  A fine question which someone beside an old goat rancher like me in the East Texas outback oughta be asking!


Einhvernveginn hef ég á tilfinningunni að við eigum eftir að frétta meira af þessu fljótlega. Hugsanlega ekki seinna en í næstu viku...

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Sælir Guðmundur

Ég bý yfir þeirri þörf að þurfa alltaf að eiga síðasta orðið, og það hafði farið framhjá mér að þú hafðir haldið áfram umræðu um garðyrkjuna á þessari slóð

Og úr því að ég var bara að svara þínum athugasemdum, ætlaði ég að vekja athygli þína á henni, ef ske kynni að þú værir haldinn sömu annmörkum og ég (síðasta orðs).

Haukur (IP-tala skráð) 30.10.2009 kl. 12:27

2 Smámynd: Guðmundur Ásgeirsson

Já Haukur, ég hef líka vissa þörf fyrir að eiga síðasta orðið, en þeirri þörf eru þó takmörk sett. Ég sé að þú stendur mjög fast á þinni skoðun varðandi garðyrkjuna, og mátt það svosem alveg. Ég má því miður bara ekki vera að því að skrifa meira um það akkúrat núna, en kannski síðar. Þangað til verðum við vonandi bara sammála um að vera ósammála. ;)

Guðmundur Ásgeirsson, 30.10.2009 kl. 13:23

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