Upplýst verður um "fangaflug" CIA

Vegna dómsmáls sem taka á fyrir í Bretlandi er nú útlit fyrir að upplýsingar um svokallað "fangaflug" á vegum bandarísku leyniþjónustunnar verði gerðar opinberar. Það verður forvitnilegt að sjá hvort KEF er einhverstaðar á lista yfir viðkomustaði á þessum ólöglegu flugferðum.

Guardian segir frá:

Confidential documents showing the flight plans of a CIA “ghost plane” allegedly used to transfer a British resident to secret interrogation sites around the world are to be made public. The move comes after a Sussex-based company accused of involvement in extraordinary rendition dropped its opposition to a case against it being heard in court.

Lawyers bringing the case against Jeppesen UK on behalf of the former Guantánamo Bay detainee, Binyam Mohamed, claimed last night the climbdown had wide-ranging legal implications that could help expose which countries and governments knew the CIA was using their air bases to spirit terrorist suspects around the world.

Jeppesen UK, a division of the Jeppesen Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Boeing, is alleged to have provided a range of services that allowed planes owned by shell companies operating on behalf of the CIA to fly suspected terrorists to “black sites”.

Jeppesen is alleged to have provided flight planning services, secured permits for travel, arranged fuel provision and filed flight plans for the clients in the knowledge that the planes were being used for extraordinary rendition.

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