Kemur úr athyglisverðum félagsskap
27.2.2009 | 15:12
Norski milljónamæringurinn Svein Harald Øygard hefur verið skipaður Seðlabankastjóri til bráðabirgða. Svein starfaði um árabil hjá norska Seðlabankanum og var aðstoðarfjármálaráðherra Noregs 1990-1994, en reynsla hans af störfum á sviði ríkisfjármála er víðtæk svo vægt sé til orða tekið. Hvort það er kostur eða galli er svo annað mál í ljósi kringumstæðna...
Öllu merkilegri hlýtur þó að teljast vinnustaður hans í seinni tíð, en frá árinu 1995 starfaði hann hjá ráðgjafarfyrirtækinu McKinsey & Company. Fyrirtækið er leiðandi á sínu sviði og meðal viðskiptavina þess eru mörg af stærstu fyrirtækjum heims ásamt ríkisstjórnum og alþjóðastofnunum, en á lista yfir fyrrverandi og núverandi starfsmenn þar má finna ansi mörg athyglisverð nöfn. Það er að minnsta kosti ljóst að Sveinn Haraldur kemur úr mjög "alþjóðavæddu" starfsumhverfi, en ég birti hér nokkur útvalin dæmi um fyrrverandi kollega hans hjá McKinsey:
- Stjórnmál:
- Karen Mills - Obama's administrator designate of the Small Business Administration (SBA), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member
- Peter Orszag - Obama's OMB director designate, former CBO director
- Susan E. Rice - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, former assistant Secretary of State for Africa, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member
- John Stoner - Senior Military Advisor to former Vice President Al Gore
- Chelsea Clinton - daughter of former U.S. President and current Secretary of State
- Bobby Jindal - Governor of Louisiana, former U.S. House Representative
- William Hague - British MP and former leader of the Conservative Party, member of the Bilderberg Group
- Stuart Shilson - Assistant Private Secretary to the Queen in the Royal Household of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom
- Božidar Đelić - Vice-president of Serbia, former Minister of Economy and Finance
- Fjármál:
- R. Corey Booth - CIO of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. - former vice chairman of the Board of the Federal Reserve, member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) the Group of Thirty (G30), the Group of Seven (G-7), speaker at meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Chairman of the Joint Y2K Council supported by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), member of President Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board.
- John D. Macomber - Former president of the U.S. Export-Import Bank, Board of Directors (retired) at: Lehman Brothers, Chase Manhattan Bank, RJR Nabisco
- Phil Purcell - former chairman and CEO of Morgan Stanley
- James P. Gorman - co-president of Morgan Stanley, former executive at Merrill Lynch
- Rajat Gupta - board of directors at: Goldman Sachs, American Airlines, Proctor & Gamble, the Rockefeller Foundation (trustee)
- George l. (Chuck) Farr - vice chairman at American Express, board of directors at Swiss Reinsurance, appointed by President Bill Clinton to the IRS Oversight Committee
- Tidjane Thiam - managing director of Aviva, member of External Advisory Council of the World Bank Institute, former Côte d'Ivoire minister of Human Resources Development and Planning
- Jeff Skilling - former CEO of Enron, currently serving 24-years at the Englewood Federal Correctional Institution in Lakewood, Colorado.
- Mark R. Weldon - CEO of the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX)
- Howard Davies - director of the London School of Economics, former chairman of the Financial Services Authority (FSA)
- Stephen Green (banker) - chairman of HSBC, former executive at the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
- Peter Wuffli - former CEO of UBS, former General Director of Credit Suisse
- Sjálfseignarstofnanir:
- Luis Ubiñas - president of the Ford Foundation
- Joseph Daniels - president and CEO of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation
- Sylvia Mathews Burwell - president of Global Development Program and former CEO of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, former Deputy Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton, former Deputy Director of the U.S. OMB, named Obama-Biden Transition Agency Review Lead for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
- Iðnaður:
- Paul Antony - CMO of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
- Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. - chairman of The Carlyle Group, former chairman/CEO of IBM, former executive vice president at American Express, member of the Bilderberg Group, named Knight Commander of the British Empire on recommendation of former UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair.
- James McNerney - chairman/CEO of Boeing, board of directors at Procter & Gamble, former CEO of 3M, former executive at General Electric.
- Jonathan I. Schwartz - CEO of Sun Microsystems
- Helmut Panke - board of directors at Microsoft and UBS, former chairman/CEO of BMW
- Wolfgang Bernhard - chairman of Volkswagen
- Helge Lund - CEO of StatoilHydro, former political adviser to Norway's Conservative Party.
- Neysluvörur:
- Christopher A. Sinclair - former chairman and CEO of PepsiCo
- Julian Day - chairman/CEO of RadioShack, former chairman/CEO of K-Mart
- John Cook - former EVP of Operations of Kellogg's Company
- Harvey Golub - chairman of Campbell Soup Company, former CEO of American Express
- Bob Haas - chairman of Levi Strauss, member of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
- Gerald L. Storch - chairman/CEO of Toys "R" Us, former Vice-Chairman of Target Corporation.
- Fjölmiðlar:
- Betsy Holden - corporate director of Tribune Company and former CEO of Kraft Foods.
- Michael Wolf - former president of MTV Networks, friend and classmate of Barack Obama.
- Pamela Thomas-Graham - president of Liz Claiborne Inc., former president/CEO of CNBC, member of the U.S. Secretary of State's Committee on Transformational Diplomacy, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Economic Club of New York.
- Patrick Cox - former chairman of NBC Europe
- John Birt, Baron Birt - member of the board of PayPal, former director-general of the BBC and adviser to Tony Blair's government.
Merkilegur félagsskapur þetta, og víða tengsl við kunnugleg nöfn á borð við Clinton, Obama, CFR og Bilderberg, fullt af tengslum við bæði Wall Street og ríkisfjármál. Hmmmmm....... hlutlaus og óháður seðlabankastjóri??? Dæmi hver fyrir sig!
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Nýr seðlabankastjóri |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Flokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 20:37 | Facebook
Jamm, það er hægt að átta sig á ýmsu um fólk með því að skoða hvar það hefur unnið, við hvað, og ekki síst með hverjum.
Guðmundur Ásgeirsson, 8.3.2009 kl. 20:13
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.