Etta James - I'd Rather Go Blind
20.1.2012 | 23:21
Persónulega held ég meira upp á þetta lag en "At Last". Þegar svona margir hafa gert ábreiðu hlýtur það að þýða eitthvað, hérna eru nokkrar góðar, og ég læt þær njóta sín sem eru í upphaldi hjá mér:
Bettye Swann - I'd Rather Go Blind
Koko Taylor - I'd Rather Go Blind
Margie Joseph - I'd Rather Go Blind
Rod Stewart - I'd Rather Go Blind
Sydney Youngblood - I'd Rather Go Blind
Stan Webb - I'd Rather Go Blind
Ruby Turner - I'd Rather Go Blind
Beth Hart - I'd Rather Go Blind
Holly Miranda - I'd Rather Go Blind
Beyoncé Knowles as Etta James - Cadillac Records (2008)
William Haviland - I'd Rather Go Blind (piano version)
I'd Rather Go Blind (remix)
I'd Rather Go Blind (Instrumental)
Karen Pálsdóttir - I'd Rather Go Blind
Jessica Sanchez - I'd Rather Go Blind
Gov't Mule - I'd Rather Go Blind
Katie Waissel - I'd Rather Go Blind
Michael Grimm - I'd Rather Go Blind
Rachel Crow - I'd Rather Go Blind
Something told me it was over
When I saw you and her talking.
Something deep down in my soul said cry girl,
When I saw you and that girl walking.
I would rather,
I would rather go blind, boy,
Than to see you walk away from me, child.
So you see, I love you so much
That I don't wanna watch you leave me, baby.
Most of all I just don't,
I just don't want to be free, no.
I was just, I was just,
I was just sitting here thinking
Of your kiss and your warm embrace,
When the reflection in the glass that I held to my lips, baby
Revealed the tears that was on my face.
Baby, Baby, I'd rather be blind, boy,
Than to see you walk away from me.
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