Etta James - I'd Rather Go Blind

Persónulega held ég meira upp á þetta lag en "At Last". Þegar svona margir hafa gert ábreiðu hlýtur það að þýða eitthvað, hérna eru nokkrar góðar, og ég læt þær njóta sín sem eru í upphaldi hjá mér:

Bettye Swann - I'd Rather Go Blind

Koko Taylor - I'd Rather Go Blind

Margie Joseph - I'd Rather Go Blind

Rod Stewart - I'd Rather Go Blind

Sydney Youngblood - I'd Rather Go Blind

Stan Webb - I'd Rather Go Blind

Ruby Turner - I'd Rather Go Blind

Beth Hart - I'd Rather Go Blind

Holly Miranda - I'd Rather Go Blind

Beyoncé Knowles as Etta James - Cadillac Records (2008)

William Haviland - I'd Rather Go Blind (piano version)

I'd Rather Go Blind (remix)

I'd Rather Go Blind (Instrumental)

Karen Pálsdóttir - I'd Rather Go Blind

Jessica Sanchez - I'd Rather Go Blind

Gov't Mule - I'd Rather Go Blind

Katie Waissel - I'd Rather Go Blind

Michael Grimm - I'd Rather Go Blind

Rachel Crow - I'd Rather Go Blind

Something told me it was over
When I saw you and her talking.
Something deep down in my soul said cry girl,
When I saw you and that girl walking.

I would rather,
I would rather go blind, boy,
Than to see you walk away from me, child.
So you see, I love you so much
That I don't wanna watch you leave me, baby.
Most of all I just don't,
I just don't want to be free, no.

I was just, I was just,
I was just sitting here thinking
Of your kiss and your warm embrace,
When the reflection in the glass that I held to my lips, baby
Revealed the tears that was on my face.

Baby, Baby, I'd rather be blind, boy,
Than to see you walk away from me. Etta James látin
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