Fréttatilkynning hollenska fjármálaráðuneytisins
9.12.2010 | 18:37
Fréttatilkynning hollenska fjármálaráðuneytisins um nýjustu stöðuna í IceSave samningaviðræðum. Vélþýðing í boði Google Translate:
State of negotiations IcesaveChamber Letter | 12/09/2010
The chairman of the House of Representatives
PO Box 20018
Date December 9, 2010
Subject Status Negotiations Icesave
Our reference FM 2010 17353 M
Dear President,
In this letter I give you the state of Icesave on the agreement. The past month has been regularly discussed and negotiated with the Icelandic government and representatives of the Icelandic opposition. This work has paid off and led to the signature of an Icesave new agreement at the level of negotiators. The content of the initialed agreement, I can say the following:
1. There will be full refund of all monies held by the Netherlands and the United Kingdom under the deposit guarantee scheme to Iceland for funding to national Icesave savers with the minimum amount to compensate. For the Netherlands is about 1.3 billion euros.
2. Iceland Netherlands pays a fixed rate of 3.0 percent, up from the outstanding balance on 1 October 2009 to 30 June 2016. This interest covers our cost of funding. The United Kingdom will receive 3.30 percent interest. This difference in rate is related to the difference of the 'cost of funding "between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
3. The repayment of the outstanding balance of all the above amounts (after distribution of the assets benefits) will begin in July 2016. The repayment period is determined by a formula based on the size of the (if any) outstanding balance in 2016. The greater the amount outstanding at the balance sheet, the longer the repayment period will be. The maximum repayment period shall not exceed January 1, 2046.
4. The amount of interest on the outstanding balance of loans in July 2016 is determined by reference to the relevant Commercial Interest Reference Rate (CIRR) for the Pound sterling and the Euro at that time. CIRR the minimum rates published by the OECD and applicable export credit issued by OECD countries.
5. The annual amount (nominal amount plus interest) that Iceland pays is capped at 5 percent of the Icelandic central government revenue from the previous year. If you exceed this limit, the remainder forward to next year until it can be paid within the ceiling. The annual cost is thereby not be less than 1.3 percent of Iceland's GNP.
We are in the process at an important time. All Icelandic negotiators, including the negotiators designated by the Icelandic opposition, have initialed the agreement. Expected now very rapidly introduce enabling legislation to be sent to the Icelandic parliament. If parliament adopts the contract and the law and the President of Iceland, signing, thereby obtains the Icelandic government mandate for the final signing of the agreement. The agreement will be accepted by the British and Dutch delegations signed.
This Icesave saga has not yet reached an end, but it is important that you are aware of the latest situation. I hope I can soon say that it actually come to an agreement regarding Icesave Iceland.
The Minister of Finance,
Mr Drs J.C. Jager
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Kynningarfundi um Icesave seinkar |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Þjóðin mun ekki samþykkja þessa samninga eða neina slíka. Er ekki nóg að þurfa að greiða AGS lánið vegna þjóðargjaldþrots vanhæfra stjórnmálamanna? Hvernig getur aikin skuldsetning sem nemur 50 milljörðum bætt stöðu okkar?
Jóhannes Laxdal Baldvinsson, 9.12.2010 kl. 19:32
"This Icesave saga has not yet reached an end, but it is important that you are aware of the latest situation. I hope I can soon say that it actually come to an agreement regarding Icesave Iceland."
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ! ICESAVE ICELAND, What a fucking Liberty. Þarna á auðvitað að standa Icesave Netherlands
Við segjum "I save Iceland"
Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson, 9.12.2010 kl. 23:39
Burt með þennan svikasamning!!
Þegar elsta barnabarnið mitt verður 45 ára verður IceSlave skuldin kannski greidd upp. Það er búið að setja hann og hin barnabörnin mín í skuldafjötra... Burt með þetta spillingarlið.
Jóna Kolbrún Garðarsdóttir, 10.12.2010 kl. 00:29
Yngsta barnið mitt verður fertugt árið 2046.
Landsbankinn varð gjaldþrota þegar hún var með bleyju.
Guðmundur Ásgeirsson, 10.12.2010 kl. 02:14
þurfum að græja undirskrifta lista í hvelli ég er hættur að treysta alþingi fyrir þessu!.
Elís Már Kjartansson, 10.12.2010 kl. 17:18
Undirskriftalisti hljómar ágætlega
Guðmundur Ásgeirsson, 11.12.2010 kl. 01:56
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.