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Tunnumótmæli á Austurvelli mánudagskvöldið 3. október klukkan hálfátta.

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Bartzokas George, Attorney-President of the Citizens' Movement - Borrowers, told newsbomb.gr said: "This is a historic decision, as it is the first court decision that removes 100% of the borrower's debt . handled flawlessly Article 8 paragraph 5 of N.3869, whereby the court clears the debt because the borrower is a long-term unemployed and has not even cover the minimum, both for itself and for dependents. Surely others will follow such decisions. "

The Court rejected the claims of the banks that loan, is not determined by "who" finds the amount for the cost of living and that of her family, although included in the notice of application data permanently prevented payment and the necessary documents.

"This decision of the district court Larissa is a victory of borrowers against banks, which, let's not forget, give consumer loans without guarantees. Act 3869 will ultimately vindicate the indebted households and especially those who are truly economically impossible debt repayment, as the unemployed and the economically disadvantaged, "says the newsbomb.gr o President George IKNA Lechouritou.

It should be noted that decisions issued by local courts for citizens who seek legal assistance following the failure of-court settlement increase exponentially. It is, in the overwhelmingly positive and achieves remission in 50-60%. For the first time, but a court decision provides the total debt cancellation.

 Algjör skuldaeftirgjöf, vegna forsendubrests. Hafið þetta í huga.

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1 Smámynd: Vendetta

Flott video! Ég gæti ekki sagt þetta betur sjálfur.

Vendetta, 2.10.2011 kl. 19:43

2 Smámynd: Guðmundur Ásgeirsson

Bíddu... varst þetta ekki þú þarna í myndbandinu...?

Guðmundur Ásgeirsson, 2.10.2011 kl. 21:50

3 Smámynd: Vendetta

Það hlýtur að vera. En minnið svíkur ... hvaða 99 manns voru þetta?

Vendetta, 2.10.2011 kl. 22:03

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